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Meilleurs Burst Ap / 5 sec

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Meilleurs Burst Ap / 5 sec Empty Meilleurs Burst Ap / 5 sec

Message  Jismash Ven 9 Mar - 14:57

Gunna put this at the top so people will stop asking...

Had some free time on my hands and thought i would make this list. All numbers are based on the champion having 300ap. For percent damage i assumed the target had 3000hp. I did not take passives into account. For skill that augment auto attacks I assumed they got 3 attacks off. Last but not least all bursts are over 5 seconds on a single target with all skills maxed.
DISCLAIMER: This is not in any way a refection on these champions power levels or my opinion of there power levels.

Fiddlesticks: 4160. CAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAW! AP ratio: 4.95!!!

malzahar: 3650. RIDICULOUS!!! supah high but his ult locks him down and is pretty short range. just his pool did 1600 dmg to someone with 3000 hp lol. AP ratio: 2.9 plus the % hp on his w.

Rumble: 3606. Super high and he has alot of slows ( most build rylais). And this does not take into account his mobility and his shield. Assumes he is in the danger zone. also doesnt take into account him overheating which would probly push him to the top of this list.AP ratio: 3.85

Cassiopia: 3285. Really high but her cc is lacking and her ult is pretty short range. Assumed she hit 2 q's and 3 e's. AP ratio: 2.1

Karthus: 3155. Really high considering that this is all constant damage that wont stop until the fight is over. AP ratio: 2.45

Mordekaiser: 3012. Way more then i thought it would be that shield does more then i thought it did and his ult is hitting for 1380 damage. AP ratio 1.45 plus % hp on ult.

Vladamir: 2679. Really tanky with alot of aoe and sustain. Assumes he casted his ult first. (not sure if the damage increase works on his ult damage but i assumed it did) AP ratio: 1.75

Swain: 2640. Again, really tanky with alot of aoe and sustain. Assumes he casted torment first. AP ratio: 3.0

Nautilus: 2610. Tanky with ALOT of CC. this assumes 3 hits on his shield dot. AP Ratio: 2.82

Anivia: 2485. Really good with that cc and her passive is very strong.AP ratio: 3.25 with 5 seconds of ult.

Chogath: 2460. All this damage (some of it true dmg) with that amount of cc and hp. Only downside is sometimes its hard to hit the full combo. AP ratio: 2.7

Nunu: 2450. this assumes you get a full ult of on one person (lol). still really high tho. AP ratio: 3.5

Morgana: 2425. She also has alot of cc and one of the best non-ultamite skills in the game. AP ratio: 3.5

Le Blanc: 2394. Meh. all pretty much single target with long cd's. Assumes she ults her q. AP ratio: 3.8!

Katarina: 2363, assumes base AD at lvl 18.

Ezreal: 2320. i caved and added him. higher then i thought. this assumes he hit 2 qs at his base dmg at lvl 18. AP ratio: 2.35

Viktor: 2275. Pretty high really. good cc with a shiels and great teamfight presence. Assumes he upgrades e.AP Ratio:3.4

fizz: 2265. Again this is with 3 auto attacks. And i couldn't take into account the % health missing on his W which is a big chunk. AP ratio: 3.15

Xerath: 2260. Pretty nice with all that range. AP ratio: 3.1

Maokai: 2230. really nice imo. All that utility to boot. I have always liked ap mao Assumes his ult does max damage. AP ratio: 2.1

Amumu: 2211. I like ap amumu. allthat aoe dmg and the cc plus a good ap ratio. AP ratio: 3.0 plus % dmg

Kennen: 2200. very nice with all that cc. aoe. and mobility. AP ratio: 3.2

Veigar: 2160. lower then i thought but then i remembered that veig should always have the
most ap in the game. assumes the target has 300ap as well. AP ratio: 2.8

Ahri: 2130. Good bass and rario. Also cant be ganked and comes with one of the best cc spells in the game. AP Ratio: 2.6

Heimerdinger: 2120. this assumes both his turrets hit 5 times. AP ratio:1.55 1 hit with each turret.

Ryze: 2100. this is with 3 Q's added in and him at 3k mana. really nice since he builds tanky and all his skills have low cd's. AP ratio: 1.15 lol

Annie: 2095. Makes sense. Right in the middle of the pack.AP ratio: 2.3

Ziggs: 2080. Pretty good with that utility and ult range. Assumes initial mine and 3 more. AP Ratio: 2.2

Akali: 2077. this assumes 1 q and its proc (doesnt include the basic aa dmg) and 3 ults. AP ratio: 2.9

Tristana: 1970. Not as high as i thought it would be AP ratio: 3.3

Poppy: 1848. this assumes the max% dmg on q and a lvl 3 ult on the target. not as high as i thought. but all ap poppys have a dfg and a lichebane

Brand: 1815. doesnt give him justice. Only one hit on his ult taken into account and he has so much range. AP ratio:2.3

Galio: 1747. pretty decent burst for not really being a burst mage. and dat ult. assumes the ult does max damage. AP ratio: 1.8

Gragas: 1695. He has mobility a great cc and his burst can all come in less then 1 second and at long range. AP ratio: 2.4

Kassadin: 1655. Lower then i thought but we all know there is no problems with kass's burst with all that mobility. Also this doesn't account for his ult build up. AP ratio: 2.05

Lux: 1593. Decent burst for her being mainly used as a support. And she has alot of cc and utility plus the shield. With her passive it would be a lil higher. AP ratio: 2.05

Oriana: 1575. Low cd with long ranged makes up for the lack of damage. Plus again she has utility and this doesn't account for the shield.AP ratio: 2.4

Leona: 1560. LOL. leona has a higher burst then sion . with about the same cc. AP ratio: 1.9

karma: 1485. pretty good for a support with no ult lol.

Zilean: 1180. We all know that his burst is NOT low in lane and late game he isn't really used for his burst. AP ratio: 1.8

Sion: 1140. Pretty low tbh, but it comes with a reliable stun with high dmg auto attacks and most build a lichebane. AP ratio: 1.8

Please post your opinion on the list. Post anyone who surprised you or anyone you thought i should have put on there (obviously i left some out but these are the ones i see going ap a decent amount).

EDIT: had to change karthus forgot his double dmg on q
EDIT 2: ap ratios added
EDIT 3: Added tristana, karma, and nunu
EDIT 4: i caved and am going to add kat akali and poppy
EDIT 5: not gunna add tf his burst is 695
EDIT 6: added Ahri, Ziggs, Viktor, and Naut

tl;dr This is not meant to be "x champ does more dmg then y champ" just thought it would be interesting to see them like this

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Lord Newbie
Lord Newbie

Messages : 229
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2012

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Meilleurs Burst Ap / 5 sec Empty Re: Meilleurs Burst Ap / 5 sec

Message  Grumpy Ven 9 Mar - 16:00

stats pourries, le burst de fiddle tient compte de pleins de paramètres qui ne marchent que contre des bots^^
Lord Newbie
Lord Newbie

Messages : 399
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2011

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Meilleurs Burst Ap / 5 sec Empty Re: Meilleurs Burst Ap / 5 sec

Message  hotdogpepper Ven 9 Mar - 16:42

comme il est écrit à la fin du post,il est juste intéressant de voir quel perso a le plus de burst sur le papier :p
Little Newbie
Little Newbie

Messages : 33
Date d'inscription : 11/02/2012

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Meilleurs Burst Ap / 5 sec Empty Re: Meilleurs Burst Ap / 5 sec

Message  Grumpy Ven 9 Mar - 18:02

hotdogpepper a écrit:comme il est écrit à la fin du post,il est juste intéressant de voir quel perso a le plus de burst sur le papier :p

Oui, j'ai bien compris, mais je préfère parler de burst que l'on peut placer en configuration normale. Et pour le coup, Malz , Cassio, Le Blanc, Arhi, Karthus, Sion, Brand, Ryze, Akali, Veigar, ...ont cette possibilité et sont les plus proches des stats affichées qui sont juste théoriques.

Autant, sur un carry AD, on peut parler de dps sur 5 sec car les dégats viennent principalement d'auto attack et un voir 2 spells, mais pour les carry AP, il faut tenir compte des CD, du mana, de l'ordre des spells (pour des champions comme Brand^^), des HP de l'adversaire (pour Malz') et beaucoup d'autres paramètres qui compliquent les calculs...

Après, si cela sert à des joueurs pour choisir quel champion jouer ou pour toute autre raison, je trouve ça bien car j'adorerai jouer Brand mid contre Amumu, Maokaï, Nunu, vu qu'ils sont mieux placés 8-)
Lord Newbie
Lord Newbie

Messages : 399
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2011

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